The Charlie Bravo Story

Dad’s Home

Yo, Charlie…
Yo, Dad!
I’m glad you’re home.
Me, too, Charles; it was a wild one.
If you had known things were going to turn out the way they did, would you still have taken Nama?
Absolutely not, Charles; the cost vastly outweighed the outcome. Unfortunately, hypothetical questions seldom produce satisfactory answers, as there are just too many variables.
Yep, that’s why I took a break from (anti)social media while y’all were gone. Take this whole “bear or a man in the woods” thing causing all this strife on social media; why is it assumed that the man is a psychopath and not St Francis of Assisi? And the bear hasn’t just came out of hibernation and is extremely irritated that he can’t find the particular type of acorns that will activate his bowels for that all-important first crap of spring? Or the bear is not a “he” at all, but a protective “she” with a pair of cubs in the immediate vicinity? All this division makes this old girl’s head hurt.
I get it, Charlie; the Book of Face seems to be getting exponentially more toxic by the day. We really need to find a more suitable place to share your message; this is like trying to paint a picture in the middle of a battlefield.
Like always, you have it wrong, Dad… do we go looking for lost causes in ritzy parts of town? No, we go where the trouble may be brewing; it may be a bit uncomfortable, but that’s where the need usually is. By the way, have you told Bilbo and Bassa about Nama?
Nope, can’t bring myself to do it just yet, although I think that Bilbo suspects something already; he looks a bit lost when he goes out back. And the cat? Bassa’s to involved with doing cat things, and there are empty Amazon boxes to be explored…
Hey, Dad; I have an idea: why don’t we take the sidecar out for a spin?
Now that’s a concrete, non-hypothetical question I can wrap my mind around!

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