The Charlie Bravo Story

Fear naught.

Goid morning from the Casa! Mom has been gone for a week, with another week to go, and things are a bit odd. Even though the sleeping arrangements have changed one iota, with all of us crammed onto the far tight side of the bed, it still feels different. If you ever think that you won’t be missed when you’re gone, or that you don’t matter, try going missing for a days!

I woke up this morning with a thought: people who make decisions based on fear always make bad decisions, and it caused me to remember this post from some time back, and it somehow seemed relevant today…

Even though most think of my story as being one about an abandoned dog, I would put forth that the story is equally about the people; if there had been no dog, there would have been no stories, but had there been no people, there would have been no dog. When dad and Zach first found me, they had no reason to think that they weren’t tackling this problem alone, only to find mom and Miss Tara waiting at the Casa to leap into action. Then Kat and Mr Duane, Hannah and Caleb, showed up, everyone wanting to be a part of saving my life.

For the first week, it was primarily friends and family of the Casa coming to my aid, which, come to think of it, is actually quite a formidable group when it comes to dealing with lost causes. Mom used her wonder concoction to nurse me back from the brink, and when Hannah started my FB page, dad honestly thought that would be the end of it, another goofy dog being assimilated into the general population of the Casa.

When it began to look like I would survive, dad scheduled a visit to the vet. I know that sounds bass ackwards, but you have to understand, this is just how things tend to work out at the Casa, and this wasn’t their first dog and pony show. What dad didn’t know was that the time and date of the visit had been posted on the FB page, and when we got there, the phone lines were jammed with people from around the country wanting to know if my story was real.

DO WHAT?!? People calling a small town vet to determine if my story was legit, to make sure it wasn’t some sort of scam? In what alternate universe does THAT really happen?

As it turned out, people are so sick of the barrage of bad news we are assailed with daily that when they find a legit cause where they can make can actual difference, not necessarily financially but by being a part of something much larger and as yet unexplainably organic, well, watch out.

So over the last year, the story has morphed from being primarily about a dog being rescued from a crate to the message that we ALL have our own crates, but we don’t have to be helpless inside them. Yours may be a cubicle at work, an abusive relationship, an addiction, a multimillion dollar mansion for that matter, all different forms of the same plastic crate to which I was confined, and all locked with the exact same key:


And as helpless as we may feel in our own particular situations, we are NOT helpless to assist others in theirs; it took the actions of others to no only release me from my crate, but to also be willing to do it again and again. Until we realize that we are truly free, we’ll either return to that particular crate or even worse, go find another just like it. It takes a clear vision and steadfast faith to realize that there is always hope; when I was on my last legs and felt I had lost my mind to starvation and claustrophobia, that’s when I heard the bikes approaching; in the process of rescuing me, dad didn’t realize that I was actually rescuing him.

SO stand fast where you are now, as while you might be in need of rescuing yourself, we’re all in this together, and you are someone else’s savior; we can’t fix it all, but we can all fix some.

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  1. Sherry Ralph Jadrnak

    As always Charlie, your post comes when I need it most! ❤

  2. Mollie Walls

    I needed to see this today. Thanks as always CB.

  3. Francesca Cohen Marcus

    You should write a book. Beautiful.

  4. Elisabeth Parrish

    Extremely true! It is so hard to leap into the unknown, even when the known is soul-destroying. (Perhaps too, there was always a flame glowing at the Casa, but you, Charlie, are the fuel that spread it’s cheerful warmth worldwide.)

  5. Sylvia Maldonado

    Love you Charlie and every one at the casa de wackos

  6. Sandy Runyon Lough

    Amen sister (and brother). Your story is so much bigger and your pack (that would be all of us) is so much larger than you could have ever imagined. You have tapped into a desperately needed kinship in this screwy, messed up, wonderful family of mankind. We’ve waited a long time for you to come along. We just didn’t know, until you, that a beautiful, sleek, wise and somewhat crazy dog would stir us so. We’re beholden.

  7. Ann Ownsby-Scott

    Love this and thanks for starting my day with love and feeling of hope. Good Girl Charlie.

  8. Sam Howard

    I dearly adore that last sentence. We can’t fix it all, but we can all fix some. Would be very nice on a T-shirt.

  9. Carole Lucier

    It’s just a shame you never found the despicable person who left Charlie there in the first place….should be punished severely!!! Thank you for letting me say that.

  10. Cindy Hopson Howe

    Good to see you Charlie.Have fun today!!!

  11. Susan Stroda

    “Goid” morning to you, too! Charlie, you need to spell check more 😉

  12. Vickie Bellus

    Love this story!! Thank you to everyone involved, your words hit home today for me

  13. Ruth Thornton-Thayer

    As alway CB, another great story, you need to take the place on tv in Dog with a blog!!!

  14. Pam Miles

    I do love our Charlie girl! It feels like she belongs to all of us who have followed her from the beginning! You’re an amazing girl Charlie! ♡ ♡ ♡

  15. Susan Pomtree

    You and your Dad are great writers and I really enjoy the posts! Enjoy your awesome life!

  16. Darcy Roberts

    as she should be!!! 🙂

  17. Luke Sherwood

    Romping around Charlie, way to go.

  18. Darling Nikki

    We be of one blood, ye and I…

  19. Terry Weidert

    Charlie can I come lay in the driveway with you??

  20. Maria Dawybida Minerley

    Great message…release the limits of FEAR…embrace the power and limitlessness of love and support. Keep ” whispering” that powerful message to us so that sometime soon it may just sink in.

  21. Cathy Powell Filliben

    You have done a really good thing Brett and Charlie girl.

  22. Carlos Cristerna

    So inspiring post. I read it from my wife’s phone in a time of many fears in my life. This shows me that we can help each other and sometimes doesn’t feel so important but it is for those in need. Thanks for sharing your story and thoughts.

  23. aida1029

    I needed this more than ever, tired of being afraid……

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