The Corvacalypse

Will this situation ever end? The bickering, the back biting, the smearing, the claustrophobia, all of it is becoming so pervasive that I don't think that I can take it for even one more second? Oh, you thought I was talking about the Corocalypse; nah, that's small potatos compared to what's currently transpiring at the Casa del Whackos. It seems that Charlie and Titus have somehow discovered some high-octane stimulants of which I was unaware,…

The law of threes

Dad here with a simple request: can we all take a break from drinking from the punchbowl spiked with hatred? Charlie's page was started with the purpose of providing a non-saccharine refuge from the barrage of negative crap on social media. She is as an apolitical being as ever existed; as far as she's concerned, all celebrities, politicians, actors, basically anyone who holds themselves in higher regard than the rest of us is unworthy of…

I’m an idiot

Dad here; the only thing that makes me happier than telling off on someone else is telling off on myself. Since this whole Corona thing has gotten eveyone shut up inside, I've had the entire Arkansas River Trail mostly to myself. The trail is such that I can ride a 16, a 20, or a 25+ mile loop; I usually opt for the 20 unless I'm feeling a bit sparky. Well, the other night I…

Easter 2020

Every Easter, I am hit with the impulse to draw the comparison between, Charlie emerging from her Crate and Jesus leaving His tomb. And every Easter, I refrain on the grounds that I feel that it borders on the sacrilegious, at least as far as I'm concerned. But I will say this: much has been said about Zach and I opening the door to Charlie's crate. But what's the worse that could have happened if…

Corona with Lyhme

My grandfather was an old-time preacher man; one of his favorite sayings was "Great minds talk about ideals, average minds talk about current events, but small minds talk about people." This saying came to mind yesterday when after the "news" concluded and the following program was one of those gossip shows keeping us updated on the lives of people who care not a whit for the great unwashed: Hollywood celebrities, the "Royals", entertainers, politicians, etc.…


If I say or do something and Charlie isnt there to see or hear it, am I still wrong? We all know that a "CHARK!!!" is Charlie Bark, the one she uses when she's not getting her way; i.e. if the motorcycle has sat still too long. But as she gets older, she keeps adding new ways to communicate the fact that I'm not performing up to her exacting standards, and latest is a "chowl",…


"Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone driving faster than you is a maniac" -George Carlin This seems to be the prevailing attitude when it comes to self-isolation. When we see those around us looking for any reason whatsoever to "just run to the store EVERY SINGLE DAY", it builds a great deal of resentment in those of us who are at least making a good faith effort to adhere to the…
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