Even a blind hog finds a truffle every now and then; this picture "just happened" while Charlie and Titus were flouncing around on a sand bar in the Arkansas River. Along with the November picture on Charlie's calendar, of her walking across the railroad trestle in Creede, Colorado, this one may be my favorite. While they did not give a twitch of a tail concerning the numbers on a calendar, I was keenly aware of…


Dad here; with everything else that's been going on around the Casa, I have neglected to spend as much "me" time with Charlie as she would like, and it shows. Just like a motorcycle ride doesn't qualify as such until you're on your second tank of fuel, Her Highness doesn't consider it a "date night" until we spend at least one night on the road. So, last night we took the Mini Van Gogh camper…

The light at the end of the tunnel ain’t a train.

Dad here... 2019, what a year. First the good: in April, I was involuntarily released from indentured servitude, allowing me to regain a bit of sanity. So Charlie and I decided to do what any smart person would do in such a situation, and with mom's blessing, took the Mini Van Gogh on a camping trip out to explore the slot canyons of Utah. The plan was to clear the cobwebs, come back home and…


When dad and I started this page nearly five years ago, it was in direct response to the steady barrage of negativity that seems to fuel social media. The abused animals, the crooked politicians(are there any other kind?), the tales of climate change, it's going to get hot/cold, coffee's going to kill you, coffee's good for you, medical marijuana is the devil's lettuce, ditchweed cures all ailments, they're coming to take your guns, there are…

The Bull Dog Party

What a circus, and not the good kind; the Democrat presidential "stand outs" are standing down like the French when Hitler advanced on Paris. Meanwhile, the impeachment proceedings over in the Romper Room, er, the House of Representatives has devolved into "I know you are but what am I?". And anyway, why do they call it an imPEACHment when they spend all of their time throwing rotten tomatoes? And how effective do they actually think…

Am I my neighbors keeper?

Am I my neighbors keeper? Everyone knows the story of Victor, the neighbor's family pack-sized dog that invites himself into the Casa del Whackos on a routine basis. The massive doofus is getting older, and a nice couch and the company of a bunch of rowdy compadres is just what the Canine Council on Aging recommends in such cases. Or so he tells me. This has been going on for quite some time, as the…

The Pilgrim

Dad here; when Charlie and I first met, I knew from day one that we were destined to travel. Scratch that, because it's not entirely true; the truth of the matter is that we weren't sure that she was going to survive that first night. But when we could finally exhale a sigh of relief, the plan began to form: build a sidecar and travel the southwest. We had no idea why, because at that…
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