The Charlie Bravo Story

Thank you, x1000

Dad recently finished the bathroom floor before going back to work; he has the best of intentions but his actual handiwork is sometimes suspect. This particular project started well, but unded up looking like an enraged toddler had randomly thrown his blocks on the floor; oh well, a healthy dose of caulk covers a vast quantity of ineptitude. Like everything else at the Casa, I view the project as being exclusively for my benefit, as…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Senor Bultaco el Vivaracho de la Casa del Whackos

Max here: between Bull's limited command of the English language and the difficulty he has typing and using Google Translate due to his injured right wing, I will be helping him post until he can attend some night classes at the local community college. From what I can piece together from his story, his original name was simply Hector, and he was born on Cinco de Mayo in Guadalajara, Mexico in the year of our…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Contento Charkday!

Dad here; today's post will be short, as to leave room for a Bultaco update after mom hopefully gets him x-rayed today. Sleeping conditions have been further compromised at the Casa; I awoke at 0300 with a little round chihuahua butt perfectly molded into my right armpit, a snoring Charlie hanging off of my right hip like Hans Solo's blaster, and a wiry Max trying to assimilate himself into my left kidney. Mia must have…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Bull Taco

Dad here; I have a good friend with Down's Syndrome who once told me "I have three boyfriends; and one of them's a Mexican!" When I asked her how she managed to have three when many single people can't seem to to find one, she said... "I don't know; I guess I just attrack 'em!" Well, I guess we just attrack 'em as well. First day back at work after an extended period of unidentured…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Yo dad…

What's up, Charlie? It's 0415; you should be busy sleeping and crowding me off of the bed like usual, not waking me up with excessive face slobbers. If you must know, it's just that I'm a bit bummed that you're going back to work tomorrow; whatever happened to you and I hoboing around the country with Miss Ellie and blogging about our experiences? Well, Chuckilicious, that's still the dream, but sometimes dreams take a bit…
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