Ajax here; since establishing residence at the Casa del Whackos, I have learned many things, the most important being the Wi-Fi password. So while mom and dad are at work,…
You will notice that there is no picture attached to this post; this is because that I plan to attempt to paint one with words later on, and would hate…
Dad here; Angel, the grand old lady of the inmates at the Casa del Whackos, passed over the bridge tonight. I find it hard to describe myself as a "pet…
Yo, Charlie? Wassup, Sandy? Where's dad been the last few months? Well, it's only been a few days, but I know what you mean: it does seem like it's been…
Dad here; things have been a bit chaotic at the Casa. Charlie and company have been posting three times a week for the last two plus years, but last weekend…
On a dark county highway Out where Chuck and Stevie were found Out cruising in the Booroo To see what mischief abounds Through the clouds of mosquitos Obscuring the pale…
More than a few years ago, I went through a "spelunking" phase, cave exploring. Most people have misconceptions about caves, that you can just walk around looking at stalagtites and…
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