Foot wash

Charlie and I were once on a mission out west and had stopped at one of my favorite places, Wilson Arch just south of Moab, Utah. A man recognized us from the blog and FB page. We struck up a conversation and he let me know in no uncertain terms that he was an atheist, and wanted to know if I was a Christian. How do you answer that? First of all, words mean things,…

Every. Single. Night.

Every. Single. Night. I'm laying on the couch finalizing home inspection reports when I feel a disturbance in the force just to my right. I don't even have to look to know what causes such trepidation to trouble my soul: It's Charlie. When she decides it's time for a licking session, there is no stopping her, but she's way too canny to make her move all at once; she does every thing in threes. I…

The Story I never wanted to have to tell

In the beginning of Charlie's saga, the unexpected death of Stevie Mae presented me with a huge quandary: as Charlie's page was meant to be a refuge from the negativity on social media, should I share this sad story on Charlie's page? Ultimately, I'm the dad of the Casa, and sometimes dads have to take action so that others don't have to. In Stevie's case, it was to put a hard stop to endless speculation…

The Story of Bull Taco

One of the most awesome dogs to ever pass through the Casa del Whackos was a tiny chihuahua named Bull Taco. He came into my life the first day of my last incarceration in corporate Amerika; I went to lunch that day with my new boss(the same as the old boss), and when we returned there was this scrap of a dog hobbling on a broken front leg around the freight yard. First day. New…

The Story of Yahtzee

Settle in; this is a long one... I've never told this, but the story of Charlie didn't technically begin with Charlie. The beginning even predates the Story of Trevor by many years; it all goes back to a dog named Yahtzee, son of Beebe. Beebe was one of the four Mt Rushmore figures, iconic dogs of the Casa. He came along at a time that I was as obsessed with duck hunting as I am…

John Brown Canyon

100٪ True story: John Brown Canyon is a 9000' pass in Colorado that leads from the incredible town of Gateway west towards Moab, Utah. As a matter of fact, the very first words that I ever wrote just for the sake of writing were tapped into my phone after my first trip down Hwy 141: "Gateway is a fortress so impregnable that even negative thoughts can't enter". The views are incredible, but the chance encounters…

Bull Taco

One of the most awesome dogs to ever pass through the Casa del Whackos was a tiny chihuahua named Bull Taco. He came into my life the first day of my last incarceration in corporate Amerika; I went to lunch that day with my new boss(the same as the old boss), and when we returned there was this scrap of a dog hobbling on a broken front leg around the freight yard. First day. New…
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