Life’s been good 2.0

With apologies to Joe Walsh... My name is Charlie, I was trapped in a crate A victim of cruelty, indifference and hate two short guys on Hondas, arrived through the rain Released me from bondage, terror and pain. Now I'm queen of the Casa, Lady of the Bed I hog the whole thing, and sleep like I'm dead Dad does my bidding, that's how it should be I rupture his eardrums when I have to…


reset verb re·​set | \ (ˌ)rē-ˈset \ reset; resetting Definition of reset transitive verb 1: to set again 2: to change the reading of often to zero; reset an odometer Dad here; as I was prepping for this trip, I originally planned to take it alone via motorcycle. Although it will become obvious in future posts and podcast episodes what a mistake that would have been, I did agonize long and hard over what path…


Dad here: Charlie, MacDuff and I recently returned home from our blitzkrieg through the west. The trip was cut a bit short by my perceived sense of self importance; I was convinced that I was needed, so I galloped homeward like Don Quixote attacking the windmills only to find that I shouldn't have bothered. This was a mistake that will not be repeated: if on the road, stay on the road. But in the short…

the day of always starts with the night before

"The day of "always starts with "the night before..." Settle in, as this one might be a tad long... Charlie, Max and I had planned to camp on Owl Creek Pass the night before, and maybe even get cleaned up in the creek. We were three days out, and I was in full Lazarus mode, as in "I stunketh". But it was not to be, as a huge storm rolled in and the temps plummeted;…

Saying goodbye

The viciousness and divisiveness on Facebook has got me questioning Charlie's continued involvement on it. The whole purpose from the beginning was to create a safe haven from the vile crap elsewhere on social media; the problem arises when we log on to make a post and invariably get sucked down into the septic tank. And I don't believe for a minute that an "algorithm" is involved, as I have never once expressed any interest…

for every thing a season

When Charlie, MacDuff, and I decided to head west a few weeks ago, we always like to get an early start. Once a particular time is set, it seems like time slows exponentially as the day of departure approaches only to speed up when it actually arrives and finds us unprepared. This is much like a roll of toilet paper seems like it will be the same size forever until poof!, so to speak, it's…

Aunt Geneva

Happy Charlie Bravo Day! There's three types of people on this planet: people who don't like dogs, people who like the idea of dogs(unfortunately, this is the largest group), and then there's "dog people". These are MY type of people. These are people who somehow connect with dogs on a molecular level but cannot explain how, they just "do"; there is no try. And then there's my Aunt Ginnie. She is easily one of the…
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