
Dad here; anyone remember Victor? Victor was the deadbeat neighbor's dog, a 140# mix of collie and water buffalo. The idiots kept him fed, but that was about it; mainly they offered him the worse type of abuse that can be afflicted on a pack animal: Loneliness. But they sure didn't like it when Big Vic would hear my motorcycle or car coming up the road, and he would come lumbering towards the Casa as…

MacDuff Rolls

After a dreary, rainy Saturday at the Casa, Sunday morning breaks through clear and cold. This means that the inmates are in no hurry to go outside, content to stay piled up on the bed in a state of partial hibernation. For a while, peace reigns supreme, broken only by the snores of the older critters, until suddenly it doesn't... Hurricane MacDuff decides to make landfall. Due to his gimpy hind leg, the Duff…

The Infamous Poop Story

Y'all can all thank Ruth Thorton Thayer for what you're about to receive... I watched "Darkest Hour" last night, the story of Winston Churchill and his experiences at the beginning of WWII. One of the reasons that I am such a fan of Churchill was his wit, his command of the English language, and his forthrightness about his own shortcomings. He is one of the first to ever publicly describe his chronic depression as "the…

I’m ready for my close UP

When I say it's always an adventure with the Charles, I'm not exaggerating. Last week I took a wheel by the local Cycle Gear to get a tire mounted, and of course Charlie just HAD to go. And as she is an absolute diva, she's more than a little obnoxious when it comes to her demands to being the center of my attention. Although I had struck up a conversation with a guy who had…

Battle of Wills

Dad here; I think I'm getting the hang of this whole "grandparenthood" thing. At first I thought the answer was to just hang back for a bit and live vicariously through Jude, in that I could listen to the gooshy comments made by his Mojo and imagine they're still about me. Hey, the older I get, the better I was. Them the Jude Bear and I got this little arrangement worked out, where he decides…

Fear Naught

Dad and I were rolling in the ChRV today, and we heard something that made perfect sense: Fear creates anger, anger creates hate, hatred creates suffering. Doesn't that sound familiar? I think that it's safe to say that there are many things that tend to frighten us right now, and in some cases, rightfully so. Covid comes immediately to mind. I tend to fall into the "cautious but optimistic" camp; I would not want to…

Walter Mitty

All that wander are not lost, a and all that lean are not off balance -Charlie Bravo Dad here; I seem to have an addiction to all things two wheeled and four legged. When I found Charlie and was able to fit the two pieces of that puzzle together, it was if an itch was being scratched that I didn't even previously know existed. But that being said, sometimes I just have to go solo…
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