The Charlie Bravo Story

Time don’t wait for nobody

It just keeps moving on. It's been a crazy week, with enough tinder to spark a hundred posts, only to be capped off tonight by a follower of this page reaching out for help. Her life has recently been turned upside down by the unexpected death of her husband, leaving her to deal with not only that overwhelming issue, but having to move in with her daughter, and rehome her five dogs. By this weekend;…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Hope for the Hopeless

Dad here; I have officially given up on all hope. Any glint of daylight that I could sense just over the horizon has been forever extinguished, and I must resign myself to the sad but undeniable fact: I will never be normal. Friday night mom and celebrated our thirtieth anniversary by going to Oxford, MS to see Cody Jinks perform. Cody has recently become the soundtrack of the Casa del Whackos, as far as I'm…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Who saved who?

Much has been said of the sacrifices and goodness of those that foster and adopt animals in need; in most cases, this is true, but here at the Casa del Whackos, I think they have it backwards. I mean, can you imagine how dull and meaningless dad's life would be without the inmates to guide and direct him, giving him a reason to actually exist? Without us, he would have never realized his true potential…
The Charlie Bravo Story

All that who lean are not off balance

Yesterday was one of those days in January that makes living in Arkansas in August worthwhile. While many motorcycle owners around the country winterize their steeds in preparation for a long hibernation period, we know that there will always be at least a few perfect days that we can sneak in some two wheeled therapy. It had been too long, as ever since we had returned from New Mexico in December, temperatures had not been…
The Charlie Bravo Story


Charlie was in an odd state tonight; most nights she will crash on the couch until everyone gets situated, then comes moseying down the hall to bulldoze her way onto the bed. Usually this is followed be a mighty sigh, and you know she's down for the count and you're safe(for now) from a  slimy face lathering. As I was preparing for sleep by destroying brain cells as a result of staring at a tiny…
The Charlie Bravo Story

The end is near

It is with heavy heart that I bring you the following news: the end may be approaching for the inmates at the Casa del Whackos. We have been warned for years concerning this inevitably of this moment, but dad is not the best planner against an uncertain future, and ignored all the signs of impending disaster. He didn't heed the warnings of the 2018 snowpocalypse, and didn't stop for milk and bread on the way…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Clear horizons

Dad here; peace reigns supreme in the predawn hours at the Casa, but such wasn't the case just minutes ago. Have you ever seen the movie "Alien", when the crab-like creature wraps itself around its victims face like a mask? Well, that's how Marco decides to wake me up every morning. After cuddling peacefully with mom all night, he wakes up with an overwhelming desire to launch himself onto my face, making my alarm clock…
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