The chark shall set you free

Ever have one of "those" days, when you wake up with a sense of foreboding that some thing's just "not right" before even giving the day a proper chance to establish itself? This morning was no different than any other day of the week, except Friday, of course; we all know that every Friday is officially recognized as Charlie Bravo Day. Then I realized the problem; instead of looking upward, outward, or inward for inspiration,…
Motorcycle Touring

Beautiful Day

You ever have one of those days? No, no, no, not THOSE days, one of the extraordinarily good ones? One of those rare days in August where it's not unbearably hot and muggy, and I wake up to the sound of buckles being buckled and Velcro being, well, Velcroed? And no, that doesn't mean that dad is putting on a brace or some other apparatus associated with injury or old age; that means Zach has…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Happy Charkday!

Shhh... Dad doesn't know it, but Jody is going to smuggle me along on her next Carribean vacation. Actually, even Jody doesn't know it yet either, but I have a way of usually getting what I want, either by stealth, guilt, or, if need be, brute force. Who is Jody, you ask? She is the lady in the picture sporting my shirt in the above picture during a snorkeling trip. Jody is also one of…
Friends of Charlie Bravo

Why not?

Dad was talking to an old friend who recently returned from a business trip to China; she had taken the time to visit the Great Wall, and commented on both how small and at the same time, how large inside, it made her feel. Dad took that as how "connected" it made her feel to something larger than herself. I get it; when dad and I are travelling through the vastness of the Rockies, the…
The Charlie Bravo Story

A beautiful dream

Charlie! CHARLIE! Wake up!! Whu, what's up, dad? You were having a dream, and I don't think it was a good one; what's going on inside that thick head of yours? Well, dad, even though I am now the Beneficent Monarch of the Casa del Whackos, my mind still goes back to the time in the crate, and even sometimes snippets of my former life come to me when I dream. I think I can…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Beebe the King

Before there was me, there was another monarch at the Casa, a dog so vast and dark that he was the canine equivalent of the coming solat eclipse. He was one of a litter of twelve pups left when their mother was injured when a tornado hit the town of Beebe, Arkansas. Although dad didn't know it at the time, there were some world-class breeders of Labrador Retrievers in that area, and he always suspected…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Somewhere on the Serengeti

The elusive ebony lioness crouches motionless in the tall grass, the only sign of life being the occasional flick of the tail and the dilation of golden pupils as she watches her prey approach. Today's ritual sacrifice to the goddess of her raw hunger is a tawny antelope, unwittingly approaching her impending doom on gangly legs. A jackal and a desert fox wait in the distance for the outcome of what is sure to be…
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