The Charlie Bravo Story

Happy Charkday!

Mom was gone on business for the better part of the week, and between you and me, I'm glad she's home. What with this demon puppy cavorting around the Casa with his bowels in full evacuation mode, dad has not had the time to devote to my ritual adoration. We have learned the hard way that Tootsie Rolls are NOT to be trusted, especially when they miraculously appear on the hearth, or the in the…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Toy Story

Dad here; a long time ago in a mobile home far, far away was a Casa with no Whackos. The trailer park was administered by two elderly sisters, an unholy combination of Nazi obbengrupenfuhrers and the nun from the Blues Brothers; they were so controlling that they were known to lurk outside the tenants trailers so that they could listen for how often the toilets would flush, and adjust the water and sewage bills accordingly.…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Going Courting

Hey, Bob... Wassup, Coal? You want to go on a litte adventure? Uh, I'm not too sure about this; where you're concerned, "adventures" is usually synonymous with "food". Well, not this time; I hear of this place, not too far from where we hang our hang our harnesses, called the Casa del Whackos. It's ruled by a queen with the odd name of Charlie Bravo. Is she hot? Bob, do you ever have any emotion…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Unleash the kraken!!

I don't think that dad gets that the purpose of an exorcism is to cast the demon out, not invite him in, but here we are. He made the mistake of going by the Pulaski County Humane Society last night, you know, just to check things out. There was a quartet of rowdy pups that used their superior intellects to bamboozle dad; one in particular must have had formal acting training as he appeared somewhat…

Dream on

Sunday morning at the Casa; line after line of storms have marched through the area, and if the past is any indication of the future, there will be more forthcoming. That's the thing about storms; as long as we're alive, we can count on them occurring. If the approaching fronts happen to be far enough apart to give us time to recover, storms are sometimes nothing more than a inconvenience, or even a pleasant diversion.…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Skinny Minnie

Dad here; a few years ago, a "friend" used to spend his lunch hour fishing at a secluded spot by the Arkansas River. He came back telling me of a friendly black dog who had apparently been abandoned, and wanted me to go pick it up and keep it "just for the weekend"; yeah, right. I did take her some food, but we didn't have room at the Casa; the Unreasonable Bug had not yet…
The Charlie Bravo Story

RIP, Senor Bull Taco

Dad here; I'm not a bit interested in sharing the gory intricacies of yesterday's tragedy. Two scriptures in the Bible sometimes seem to not square with each other: Ecclesiastes 9:11 "chance happeneth to all dogs" and Romans 8:28, "all things work together for the good". As dad, I want to "fix" things, but I have to realize that some things will never be fixable, or that the fixing exceeds my skill level, not always an…
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