Mark Twain once said that house guests are like fish: after three days, they start stinking; I'm starting to feel the same way about these frigid temperatures that have set…
Ajax here; most of the world waits in alcohol-injected anticipation of yet another false milestone; the dropping of a ball, the launching of a "free" fireworks display, anything that gives…
It's almost impossible to believe that it has been almost three years since I exited my crate and took my place as the Queen of the Casa del Whackos. I…
One of dad's strongly held beliefs is that you never have to worry about entering your second childhood if you absolutely refuse to leave your first. This may explain why… the extended family of inmates that encompasses the globe, and beyond. When I say beyond, I mean to include those that may have gone on before, but remain here…
The highway from Tres Piedras to Taos is as straight as a string, both sides of the road densely populated by sagebrush and little else. The only sign of habitation,…
We've all heard the instructions; when you're on fire, stop running, drop to the ground, and roll to put out the flames. Sound advice in the literal, but even more…
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