The Charlie Bravo Story

The rapture?

Last night, we experienced an event at the Casa del Whackos that was so surreal that I still find it difficult to believe. I was putting the finishing touches on the calendar and mom was, well, doing what mom does, and we turned in a little later than usual. We noticed that the bed seemed a good bit larger than we were used to, and then it hit us: for the first time in memory,…
The Charlie Bravo Story

You cant always get what you want

Yesterday, Zach began having some motorcycle issues up in the Ozarks, so dad and I hooked up the trailer and headed north. Zach is a resourceful guy, and by the time that we made it halfway to where he was camping, he had fixed the offending problem and and was loaded up and headed for home and Miss Tara when we encountered him on the interstate. As we were already there with the trailer, it…
Friends of Charlie Bravo

Happy Charksgiving

Imagine if you woke up today with only the things that you gave thanks for yesterday? Dad here; Charlie, Mia and Ajax are all wadded up next to me preventing any movement of any sort, and Marco is keeping an eye on mom in the kitchen. He has become quite enamored with her, and she claims that she doesn't like it, but what do you think? She actually bought the spoiled little goober a dog…
The Charlie Bravo Story

No ma’am; we’re musicians

It was 75° yesterday morning at the Casa, then came the sound of a rushing mighty wind, and now, twenty four hours later,it's, well, cold enough that when we hustled back inside, dad did NOT enjoy our cold hooves on his bare legs. Especially Marco's, as mom immediately tucked Marco into his customary nest "down there", (gracias, mamacita) Dad is a fickle as a little school girl when it comes to what he's "in to";…
The Charlie Bravo Story

I’ll be watching you

Every bite you take Each piece of juicy steak When all is gone you fake When you lick clean your plate I'll be watching you The tater tots you scarf I hope they make you barf How can you not share Under my steady stare I'll be watching you. Oh can't you see Your grub belongs to me Don't look away for long Or it will be long gone... Every bite I steal Makes for…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Char_lii brah-vo day

I have came to the conclusion that neither Charlie nor I are not fit for polite society, or any type of society, for that matter. Sure, we are capable of maintaining a certain level of decorum for just long enough for those around us to be lulled into a false sense of security, then bam, the levee of insanity eventually breaks. An example: last night, I went to a memorial... wait just a minute; WILL…
The Charlie Bravo Story

No boundaries

Ajax here; sleeping arrangements have taken a turn for the worse at the Casa del Whackos, at least for dad. Charlie has recently gotten into the habit of beginning the evening by separating herself from the battle that begins nightly at 1030 and retreating to the couch until an armistice is reached. Then, in the wee hours of the morning, she'll decide that she needs some dad lovin's and here she comes, with no respect…
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