The Charlie Bravo Story

Max is not a good dog

Dad here; there is a mountain pass in the Smokies known as the Tail of the Dragon. Riders travel from all over the world to pay homage and test their mojo on her 318 curves in only 11 miles; for many, it's a one way trip, as the Dragon is known to bite the cocky or unprepared. I made my pilgrimage to the Dragon's Lair last October, and it was everything it was said to…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Blue Charkmas

12:18 AM at the Casa; although the calender tells me it's officialy Charlie Bravo Day, somehow I just can't seem to make myself believe it. I mean, I AM the Diva dog, and as such, unaccustomed to these vague feelings of self doubt that seem to be stampeding uninvited through my mind. As much as I would like to pretend that this condition doesn't exist, denial is much more than just a river in Egypt…
The Charlie Bravo Story

The next step

Dad here; facts are like swimsuits, as what they reveal is interesting but what they hide is vital. Every time I see the story and pictures of our first meeting with Charlie resurface somewhere new on the Web, I'm struck by the realization that the whole world is seeing a picture of me wearing a colostomy bag and doesn't even know it. Thankfully, the procedure was able to be reversed after the loooongest four months…
The Charlie Bravo Story
Charlie Bravo mugging for the camera.

Morning constitutional

Squeak. Squeak. Squeak, squeak, squeak... Dang it, Charlie, how am I supposed to concentrate with you squeaking that stupid ball in my face? Squeak, squeak... And how many times have I told you that it's the highest form of rudeness to talk with your mouth full, or failing that, to interrupt while someone is, shall we say,  "occupado", and here you are, doing both at once? Squeak squeak, squeak squeak squeak. And just because that…
The Charlie Bravo Story

RIP Stevie

Dad here; it's been a year since Stevie's departure. I had thought of just reposting her earlier accounts, but somehow it seems to me like she deserves a better effort on my part. June 2015; Summers in Arkansas can be brutal, especially for animals unaccustomed to the oppressive heat and stupidity. I was making one of my routine passes through the area where Charlie' crate was abandoned when I first spotted Stevie, merely a flash…

Music Monday

It's clammy and cloudy at the Casa, with some seriously cold weather moving in towards the end of the week; not the type of climate conducive to flouncing and frolicking. It would be easy to allow my surroundings to influence my attitude, but I know that there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. To absolutely no one's surprise, my tomorrow involves a road trip; I close my eyes and imagine the hot desert air…
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