The Charlie Bravo Story

The Wizard of “Awwws…”

This is dad's old buddy, Kyle, recently transplanted back to Arkansas from Colorado; if you have read my book, you'll will recognize him, as he has the better part of a chapter dedicated to his story. Kyle is a dog person through and through, but circumstances beyond his control have kept him from having a canine companion for the last few years; now back in Little Rock, he has remedied that situation. He paid the…

Something new for the Monday blues

And now for something completely different; everyone dreads returning to the grind of the work week, so we plan on posting something here on Monday mornings to somewhat ease the sting. Today we take you to Europe for a Beethoven flash mob; if you don't feel something when you hear this, well, your feeler is busted. I can't watch it without my eyes leaking just a bit, I like to imagine that that's dad in…

Ellie rides again

"The young speak of the future as they have no past, the old speak of the past as they have no future"; I disagree, and Miss Ellie is a prime example. Dad here; Charlie is worn out from her flouncing about yesterday, so I have the helm this Sunday morning at the Casa. The hummingbirds are back en masse and contesting with the yellow jackets and wasps for supremacy over the feeders (more on this…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Ellie’s first mission

One of the challenges of this page is to chronicle the facts without getting too "windy", but sometimes events happen in such quick succession at the Casa that it's difficult to keep up. On example is when we're on a trip; I could write a chapter about a breakfast stop, and the day hasn't even begun. Where to start; how about at the beginning? There have been a few select names that have followed my…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Charlie Bravo day postponed…

...until tomorrow. Why, sayeth thou? Because I art the Charles, and I decree-eth it as such! Uh, Charlie, don't you think you need to clamber down from your high horse and come up with a better reason than a biblical sounding version of "because I said so?" Cease and desist thine palavering, prating and pitiable pontificating! I will NOT have my judgement questioned by the vertically challenged chauffer of my royal chariot! Mom, can you…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Up with the dawn, gone with the wind

Predawn is not the time to be an inmate or warden at the Casa del Whackos if you have ANY claustrophobia issues; the best you can hope for is to wake up partially mummified in a sarcophagus constructed entirely of dogs. Then when Max the Sentinel detects the slightest change in breathing, he takes up his position on dad's chest that he might have a front row seat to the impending party; this is Mia's…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Just gotta have faith…

Dad here; Charlie's sprawled out on Casa del Whackos' equivalent of the Iron Throne, my recliner, so I'm using the relative lull in the madness to reclaim the iPad. When Zach and I first found Charlie in the crate, I was initially very concerned that she was infected with the mange, and would spread it to the other inmates at the Casa; this fear was unfounded, as the excessive hair loss was due to extreme…
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