The Charlie Bravo Story

As ye do unto the least of these…

When dad first became involved with Special Olympics, he thought he had a pretty good idea who "the least of these" was referring to. But as his exposure began grow, he began to consider: who REALLY is the least of these? Someone who is doing the very best they can with the hand they have been dealt, or someone who helps a bit now and then? And where did he gain the moral high ground…

Live forever

As long as a man's stories are still being told, he remains immortal- Big Fish A new adventure starts this Friday; it will not be showing at select theatres nationwide, but on the much larger screen of the American Southwest. The cast will be expanding a bit to include me, the Max, and the Mom, and although there is a rough draft floating around in dad's grey matter, there is no official screenplay. Set locations…
The Charlie Bravo Story


Dad here; Charlie is refusing to be rousted this morning, and Max and Mia for once are showing solidarity, so this one is mine... I was out riding last night, my usual urban assault around Little Rock, and the thought of many of my friends and relatives who, due to age, or circumstances, no longer have the freedom to zip about at will. It made think forward to a day when I will be as…
The Charlie Bravo Story

The Clarion Cry of the Lonesome Chark

Approximately 0300 hours this morning, mom arose, purportedly to let Mia and I do our "bidness", but we somehow we instead found ourselves incarcerated in the north wing of the Casa del Whackos, i.e. the dog yard. This will NOT do: I have been waaaaay too diligent for waaaaay too long on my fight to establish my territory on the bed to allow a setback like this to occur, so I did what I had…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Fear makes come true that which one is afraid of.

Worried about Hillary? Worried about Trump? How about the fact that we live in a world that can't provide any better candidates than there two cases of electile dysfunction? Worried about your job? Your health? Your offspring? Are your nights, and especially your early mornings, plagued by an endless parade of "what if" thoughts goose stepping endlessly through your mind? There IS better way, the Charlie Bravo way. Some would consider my lack of concern…

Never get old!

The first time we heard this song, dad and I were flying through the Red Mountain Pass on the Million Dollar Highway; soaring cliffs on the left, sheer drop offs to the right, only to switch sides without notice as we zipped through a switchback after switchback. Dangerous? Maybe, but what is life itself except a series of calculated riskso? Is not God the ultimate risk taker, his finest creation, you and I, created with…
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