Chark diem!

Dad here; I have stated in the past that it was my wish that everyone could find their own personal Charlie, but I am now seeing the error of my ways. If life is like box of chocolates, life with Charlie is like a box of chocolates infused with raw tequila, habanero pepper and more than a pinch of gunpowder. The day starts when I try to get her to go outside, and she greets…
Self Discovery

Dream big

The only thing currently saving our retinas are the distant snowcapped mountain range running intercept as we journey towards the blazing rays of the setting sun. The sage scented wind is whipping through Miss Ellie's open windows, causing Charlie's silky ears to flop and pop like bullwhips in the breeze. Three weeks on the road have left dad considerably more scruffy but infinitely more relaxed as, with one foot on the dash and the other…

Somewhere is right here…

Dad just saw a study that showed Americans are some of the most stressed workers in the "civilized" world; DUH! just one look at dad's face on any Sunday night would have saved the researchers a whole lot of time and effort. The study also showed that stress levels could be significantly reduced by changes in diet, exercise, and meditation, so that tells me that our destiny lies not in the hands of those that…
The Charlie Bravo Story

What goes up…

...must come down. Dad here; I shanghaid the Droid this morning, as Charlie and Max are still crashed out under the covers. As the rain has finally stopped in Arkansas, we decided to take a little jaunt out to Pinnacle mountain last night and get our climb on. I have been clamboring up that pile of rock with various dogs for thirty years, and Zach and Alex made their first ascents in a backpack before…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Hotel del Whackos

On a dark southern highway Humid wind in my fur Out cruising with Miss Ellie Her normal rumble a purr I hear a bark in the distance As dad pulls up the drive What sounds like a cacophony Is Mia losing her mind inside Dadadadadada, da... (Guitar build up) Welcome to the Casa del Whackos Such a lovely place, if you can find a space Living it up at the Casa del Whackos Where a…
The Charlie Bravo Story

Consider the puppies…

When Hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans back in the summer of 2005, the flood of refugees and their stories of despair into the surrounding states was devastating. Getting the family heavily involved in the relief efforts alleviated the stress and anxiety somewhat; doing something is always better than doing nothing. It was during this time that I was playing basketball with some kids, lunged for a rebound and heard a BANG behind me and…
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