The Charlie Bravo Story


It's incredible what you will hear if you take time to listen; recently dad and I were coming through the Ozark mountains late at night. Up there, cell coverage is spotty at best, and radio reception has to be set on perpetual scan to pick anything up, and even then the best you can hope for in that neck of the woods is snippets of "modern" country(yark) or, even worse, "contemporary" Christian, rather soul-less facsimiles…

Do you remember the last time you were truly happy?

I do; when dad opened the tent today and the smell of the sage that we had packed in there in anticipation of this very moment flooded us with the bittersweet odor that simply means canyon country, the winds that blow from far away. When I see dad pull on his boots, foregoing the "business casual" pleated Dockers that are neither business or casual, but are part of a insidious marketing plan to further emasculate…
The Charlie Bravo Story

The Story of Mom

many have asked for the scoop on mom's role at the Casa; I've been saving it for today,  28 years of putting up with dad's shenanigans... simply put, if there was no story of mom, there would be no story of Charlie... 28 years ago, Dad was "encouraged" to go to North Carolina to separate himself from some bad influences that were destroying his life; unfortunately at the time, he fell into the surfing lifestyle…

This is your mission, should you choose to accept it.

It is not my nature to bloom within a greenhouse;I am a wildflower, a weed perhaps. I need wide open and untamed places to sprout. I need to ask the questions and think the thoughts that others overlook.-Dawna Markova Have you ever noticed that fruits and flowers grown in the wild are different from those cultivated under controlled conditions? As a result of their harsh upbringing, they're sometimes as not as plump and pretty as…

Everything is a miracle…

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle I prefer #2; some may call this defeatist, giving up this much control of one's destiny to a higher power, but I believe there is an order to the universe, and that nothing "just happens". Every encounter and experience has the potential to be a miracle if we are…

Break the chains…

It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere. -Voltaire I'm not too sure who this Voltaire fella is; I think he may have invented the first electric car back in the fifties or something, but I agree wholeheartedly with his quote. When dad and Zach let me out of the crate, they had no choice but to leave me there while they rode the bikes home to get the truck; I had…

The life you save may be your own…

Charlie is busy romping with Mia while Max looks on disapprovingly, so I have reclaimed the iPad. Mom is rewatching Game of Thrones, claiming that she is trying to decipher the more subtle nuances, although she seems to be spending an inordinate amount of time on the scenes involving the Faceless Man; she always has shown a preference for odd looking men. No huge insights tonight, just an appreciation for how quickly or slowly an…
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