Stanley Coren has been coerced by catnip

I had every intention of rising peaceably this morning and doing a detailed recounting of our trip up into the Ozarks; birds were singing, the coffee was burbling, the bacon was popping, dad still snoring, all necessary elements for a great writing session, when I made the mistake of glancing at the FB feed. And why do they call it a "feed" anyway, when what it usually resembles is what happens about two hours AFTER…
Friends of Charlie Bravo

The Shape of things to come

Years ago when dad was a sprout, he went to church with a man who was ancient even back then; Brother Miller had a peculiar way of singing, almost shouting or barking the words, chomping at the consonants as if in a challenge to the other singers. Some resented it, others tolerated it as a sign of respect for a bygone era, but dad always thought it was awesome, subscribing to the belief that "the…

There ARE some good people out there!

Even though most think of my story as being one about an abandoned dog, I would put forth that the story is equally about the people; if there had been no dog, there would have been no stories, but had there been no people, there would have been no dog. When dad and Zach first found me, they had no reason to think that they weren't tackling this problem alone, only to find mom and…

The Story of the Sidecar

Dad here; the dream of having a sidecar predates Charlie by a few years; it all started when we got involved with Special Olympics. Every May we join hundreds of other motorcyclists in a ride to Searcy, AR to celebrate the opning ceremonies of the Summer Games; everyone lines their bikes up in two long rows and the special athletes march the gauntlet of revving engines and cheering crowds en route to their seats in…

Pandora’s Box…

a new world was opened to me yesterday... Saturday's sunrise broke bright and clear over the Casa to find dad outside working on some project; the acrid smell of Krylon and the whine of a Dremel filling the garage. I wasn't until I saw him start ziptie-ing the contraption to the luggage rack of his DR650 that I realized that this was for me, to allow me to hit the road outside of the confines…

This Too Shall Pass…

First comes the fall, them comes the restoration, and both are gifts from God Julian of Norwich Laugh, and the world laughs with you, cry, and you cry alone, as the saying goes; I was working on a pithy post late last night, when I received word that one of our family was suffering inordinately, and it seemed a bit inappropriate to continue. Although this page IS a refuge from the barrage of bad news…

My Favorite Line…

My favorite line from Lonesome Dove; "it's hard to have a fun in a place like this, but I do my best"; words to live by... Dad and the rest of the inmates of the Casa Del Whackos could watch this every day. "Go on, pigs! You ain't gettin' no biscuits!"
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